Monthly Archives: July 2021

  1. Xiaomi launches its flagship laptop Mi Notebook Pro X 15:

    After trying their hands-on producing some brilliant affordable cellphones… now Xiaomi now has entered the race to produce affordable laptops. Just like their reputation of delivering low price high specs mobile phones, we can expect their laptops to be the same. Well, so here it is… the Xiaomi Mi Notebook Pro X 15, people have been waiting for us to review this one. This is the top-end model with a Core i5 processor with 16GB of RAM and packs 512GB of SSD storage. 


    Xiaomi has expanded its laptop lineup with the introduction of the Mi Notebook Pro

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  2. Top 3 Best Router Brands to Consider in 2021

    With COVID-19 still keeping so many people working from home, having a router has become essential for connecting multiple networks while staying at one place. Anyway, people have been home routers even before the pandemic for connecting an ever-growing range of smart home devices. Thanks to the demand for routers, many brands, and companies have started producing routers for home and small businesses to large-scale organizations. Unfortunately, not every router can satisfy your demands and requirements. And that’s where it becomes difficult to choose one router from the ocean of routers. Picking one that does the best job for both you and your wallet is trickier than ever, especially now that we're seeing more next-generation features like Wi-Fi 6 devices becoming available. That’s the reason why we have recommended the top 3 brands you can consider buying in 2021. 

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  3. Why You Should Buy Dell Networks?

    In the world of electronics, it is difficult to digest that someone has never heard about Dell electronics. Dell has been there for decades now, having tons of experience working with organizations around the globe in every industry vertical, public, private, healthcare, and government, from the very small to the multi-national corporations. As one of the only IT vendors worldwide with expertise in server, storage, networking, and software, Dell understands the storage hurdles facing our customers. In this modern era of industrialization, companies have unique requirements on both their hardware and software images to optimize their business. And in this case, Dell has specialized themselves to deal with customization & complexity demanded by various companies to build order & direct relationship models.

     We, the Gearnet have been supplying and distributing Dell networking products for a long

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  4. Are Juniper Network Products Good for Businesses?

    In a world where the momentum of change is accelerating at an unprecedented rate, the value of network products has taken on a replacement level of importance because the vehicle for pulling together our best people, best thinking, and best hope for addressing the critical challenges we face as a worldwide community. The global tendencies of cloud computing and the mobile Internet hold the power to expand the reach of the network while creating an explosion of new subscribers, new traffic, and new content satisfying intense demand... Well, this potential can't be realized with legacy thinking. Juniper Networks stands as a response and a challenge to the normal approach to the network. 

    Let us know something about Juniper company. Juniper network is an American multinational corporation that has its headquarter in Sunnyvale, California. As we are

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  5. What are the Benefits of Electronic Door Locks?

    Electronic locks were prior used in industries and organizations to preserve their valuables. But now you can see electronic door locks everywhere...hospitals, town halls, community buildings, etc. Maybe the cost will be an issue otherwise, the electronics door would have been installed on all the doors in the world. In this blog, we are going to talk only about the pros of having an electronic door lock system because we don’t know if there are any cons to have it. First of all, let’s understand what do we mean by digital locks?  

    What is an Electronic Door Lock?

    This lock system works the same as the traditional lock, where the key work as a pin and tumbler system where the lock cylinder is held in place and the key turns the

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  6. Top 5 Speaker Brands in 2021

    As lockdown is opening in many areas around the world, people are planning for a quick gateway just to chill their minds a little bit. Corona has already caused mental unbalance among people and needs to set their minds free for few days. Music could be the best gateway, but you should have the best speaker with you in that case. Whether you’re heading out to your backyard, relaxing at home, or heading down to the beach… having a good speaker will essential thing for you. Well, speakers are everywhere! There are plenty of companies that provide speakers. With speakers being so common, it is difficult to find the best company in the market. Nowadays, many of the best Bluetooth speakers also come with voice assistants which literally can double up as smart speakers, which you can use to control your smart home devices. Though, the speaker’s main motto

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  7. Which Firewall is best for small businesses?

    First of all, let us clear this question. Why do we need a Firewall in the first place? Let me tell you a not-so-fun fact! Businesses make up to 81% of all ransomware infections. Well, that’s too much. Also, no business is immune to cybercrime, especially small and medium scale businesses. When it comes to protecting networks, Firewalls play an essential role as they prevent malicious intrusion and flag suspicious behavior, keeping you safe from attack. We mentioned small and medium scale specially because they typically have fewer resources than larger companies. With that amount of ransomware infections, your company’s infrastructure might be at risk if you don’t have Firewall. 

    So which is the best Firewall for Small / Medium Businesses?

    A firewall is like a moat around your castle… they are defense mechanisms to filter out unfamiliar ISPs, prevent spam, a

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  8. Is Google server for free?

    Let’s pretend we are in time before cloud computing, and you want to start a company to create social networking. The first thing you do… is buying a server! You would start lugging all the way home from the store and spend hours preparing it with all the correct hardware and software so you can run your company’s web app. Fast forward a few months later… things are looking good for your company site. Users are flooding in. As your organization’s user base increases, you will have to buy and install more and more servers. This process is called scaling. Eventually, your company will open up as a data center, and the next thing you know your company has become international spending billions of dollars all around the world. Sounds like a lot of work right? What if I told you you don’t have to do any of that!

    What is Google Server?

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  9. What is so special about Cisco?

    Cisco Systems, Inc. is an American multinational technology that is best known for its networking products. The “Technology Gaint” started its journey more than 20 years ago by helping to build the foundation of the Internet. Cisco Systems are one of the top networking companies in the world that offers the best Cisco routers, Cisco switches, Cisco servers, and other networking products. Cisco Enterprise Routers and Switches can change your network to become more secured with the high-security protocol. Cisco Routers can empower your business network to become more insightful, responsive, and incorporated, with the use of their adaptive and agile technology. On other hand, Cisco Switches provides Extensible platforms and intelligent services combine to deliver extraordinary business value to networked organizations of all sizes and across all industries. Cisco's networking products and solutions connect people, computing devices, and computer networks, whi

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  10. Do you really need PC antivirus software in 2021?

    We live in a world that doesn’t slow down. It doesn’t stop moving and it’s always advancing. Technology has undergone so many changes these last few years, it’s terrifying in the way to think about what the future holds! The world has come closer due to advancement and growth in the digital platform. With the growth in computer usage, the chances of getting attacked by virus infection have also increased. Still people in 2021 talk about whether they really need PC antivirus software or not! Well, what we think is that as long as computers have been and will be in existence, there will always be a need for antivirus software. Everyday, various types of new malware and other online threats emerge, and Anti Virus finds it difficult to threat everyone. But having an AV installed in computer will surely reduce the chance of lethal virus attack in future. 

    What do you mean by Antivirus?


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